Medical Forms can be found at the bottom of the page.

In order to promote, protect, maintain and improve pupil health, the following procedures are utilized:

1. Physical examinations are required for all students entering Connecticut schools for the sixth and tenth grades.
2. All students are required to show evidence of immunization against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps and rubella.
3. The following screenings take place during the school year: Vision screening on all fifth, sixth and eighth graders. Hearing screening on all fifth and eighth graders. Postural screening on all fifth and eighth graders. Tine testing, for tuberculosis, is offered to all eighth graders, with parent permission.
4. The school nurse may give medication ONLY with a written order from the doctor and the parent or guardian. The medical permission form is to be used for this purpose.

Please note the following: STUDENTS MAY NOT CARRY MEDICATIONS TO SCHOOL. MEDICATIONS MUST BE GIVEN TO THE NURSE BY THE PARENT OR A RESPONSIBLE ADULT. Medication includes Tylenol and all over the counter drugs as well as prescription drugs. Medication must be in the original prescription bottle with the student's name, name of the drug, strength, dosage, frequency, physician's or dentist's name and date of original prescription. Over the counter drugs must be in the original package labeled with the student's name. All medication must be kept in the nurse's office except for those students authorized to self-administer and self-carry.