1. Log in to your ParentSquare Account.
  2. From Home, click your name and select My Account.
  3. Click Notification Settings.
  4. Choose your preferred Notification Settings for General Announcements & Messages (Off, Instant or Digest) and School Alerts (On or Off). Once you’ve made selections, future messaging will send based on your preferences.
  5. If you have multiple emails or phones listed on your account, set the order of your preferred contacts to receive notifications. Notifications will only be sent to one email and one phone on your account.

Update your Notification Setting (using mobile app)

  1. From the home screen tap the triple bar menu at top left.
  2. Select Account and then Notifications.
  3. Select how you want to be notified at each school. (Turn OFF Custom Settings to use the same notification settings for all schools. Turn ON Custom Settings to set different notifications at each school.)
  4. Toggle on or off to receive Email, Text and/or App Notifications.
  5. Select Instant or Digest for each mode. Note: Digest is recommended – you will receive one notification per day, for all posts, in the evening.